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French Culture, St. Cyprien, and Watering Flowers

No clothes dryer in France, just sweet-smelling country air. This was one of the many lessons in how the French live differently than we are accustomed to. As with most of those differences, we enjoyed and appreciated a different way of life.

Although, sometimes we've been confused, like the day we followed the signs to a brickabrack in Le Bugue. Lots of signs, lots of people, but the brickabrack...not much. As far as we could tell, there were just some small carnival-type rides. Hmmm.

Two children on bicycles asked us for directons to a fete in Finsac. I was able to direct them "a gauche." A little later, we were driving and came up behind them pushing their bikes up the steep hill to Finsac. We all smiled and waved. A sweet little moment.

We drove past the fete in Finsac. Again, not much. A few of the houses had small wooden rides set up in their front yards. Hmmm.

St. Cyprien

In the afternoon, we took Chelsea to the lovely church in St. Cyprien. Such a special place.

Then home for a leisurely afternoon.

Suki, your roses are in full bloom!

Just gorgeous.

Watering Monique's Jardin

These pictures of me watering my new friend's garden are the cherry on top of my trip. I had found a place to fit in and just for a little while, I became one of them.

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