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Leaving Paris, La Merenda

Up at 5am to try to beat the hectic traffic out of Paris. Kurt and Chelsea helped us to the car with all our luggage. This was going to be a scary day.

First of all, Chelsea was leaving Paris by herself to go back to the states. Kurt rode in the cab with her but had to be dropped off at his terminal first. She would have to find where to print her ticket then find her gate. She is usually a very brave girl, but this had her worried a little, and her mama a lot!

Secondly, Kurt was leaving to fly to Barcelona by himself to go to a music festival. He didn't seem to mind, but I was worried for both of them.

And lastly, I had to drive us out of Paris and home to Baran. Kathy was in charge of the GPS which was not working properly. I tried to steady my nerves with little success. We found ourselves lost very quickly. We were scared, so we called Kurt and worried him. He could hear the fear in my voice and at one point, my very patient son said, "Mom, do not talk, just listen to me. Turn off your GPS, then turn it back on and set it for Baran." He had saved it to favorites for me. Once we did what he told us, we were easily on our way out of Paris.

Finally in Baran, we took a much needed nap then headed to LaMerenda for a great meal.

Dinner on the terrace at LaMerenda

After dinner, we went to a cemetery to look for Reneaus and to let them see how ornate the graves are.

Then I took Mom and Kathy to Redon Espic, a 14th century church that was built for sound. While our mother stayed outside up on the hill, Kathy and I went inside and immediatly heard the resonant sound of our footsteps. We discussed how great singing must sound so we sat down and sang, "Take the Name of Jesus with you". It was the song our grandmother sang to us as children when she rocked us to sleep. When I say that I cannot sing, I mean it. It's bad. My sister, Kathy inherited that same trait. sounded wonderful in that church. Our mother was taking pictures outside and thought there must have been a choir inside singing. We made a plan to come back to sing there again. We will probably never sing pretty again until Heaven. Surely, God has built churches for people like us to sing in.

At dusk, I took them to L'Oratoire. Home at dark for decaf cafe's and once again, Ever After. I will never tire of that movie.

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