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Mediterranean Sea and Dinner in Perpignan

Mediterranean Sea

Tired of the rain, we headed to the beaches in the south of France. It was a long drive, but so worth it for some much-needed sunshine. We stopped along the way to purchase some beach mats and towels, then found a public beach and hauled our new beach items along the brown pebbly beach. It was such a contrast to the white sandy beaches of the Gulf of Mexico.

The water was very cold, so we didn't get in too deep. There weren't many people on the beach since it was early in the season. Unbeknownst to us, on France's public beaches, tops are optional. On one side of there was a pregnant woman and on the other side an elderly Asian lady, both of whom had chosen that option. Awkward for us. After a sunny day on this beautiful Mediterranean beach, we were ready for a good meal.

Dinner in Perpignan

Dressed for dinner at La France Restaurant

Two of my three children making silly faces.

After dinner, we stopped in a narrow pathway to listen to a local band play for just a bit. We were tired from all the sun and just wanted to chill in our hotel room. It was a brand-new hotel, very modern. We had to put our room key in the slot for the electricity to come on in the room.

It was interesting to flip through the television channels and watch old episodes of ER and Murder She Wrote, dubbed in French. The only English-speaking channel was the BBC...boring.

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