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Salon Antique Brocante

Ever since we'd arrived, we had seen signs posted here and there advertising a "Salon Antique Brocante". Finally, the weekend arrived and we were very excited to go to this huge event. Following the signs, we arrived at a parking lot. No brocante in sight. We drove around some more and still saw no signs of a sale so we went back to the parking lot and waited for people to arrive. A couple of cars parked and people got out and started walking but it just didn't feel like we were at the right place. Eventually, we decided to follow the next people to arrive but they walked into a small unmarked building. Surely this wasn't the Salon Antique Brocante. It was. Just one room. We were very surprised and a little disappointed. But we each went our own direction in the room, taking our time to browse leisurely through the booths.

A handwritten letter from WWII

Kurt's goal was to find old maps and postcards and he purchases several. Chelsea purchases some jewelry and discovered that she liked 1800's style dresses.

I bought a few pieces, some old pictures, religious charms, some linen napkins and towels, old door knobs, postcards and the piece de resistance... a beautiful 1800's linen curtain with embroidered flowers and butterflies. It is a real treasure and I can't wait to hang it in my large bedroom window and let the light shine through the ornate details of it.

The Salon Antiques Brocante Sale ran through the holiday weekend. We decided that before it was over, we would be back for one more look.

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