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St Cyprien and Sarlat

Our first full day in a new country and we slept half the day away, but we went easy on ourselves and savored a slow breakfast of coffee and tartines, while sitting at the farmhouse table discussing how to spend the remaining half of the day. Since we knew very little about the area, we decided to just get into the rental car and drive.


A few miles down the curvy, hilly country roads, we found ourselves in the small town of St. Cyprien. The daily market was just closing up, but I was able to purchase some fabric with blue poppies on it from a fabric truck. All the stores were closed on Sunday, so we walked around enjoying the unfamiliar architecture. We came upon a Catholic Church. We tried the doors and were surprised to find them open. I had never been in a church like this. The sanctuary was dark directing our eyes forward to the well-lit alter area, where we knelt to lift a prayer of gratitude for this experience.

As we were walking toward the back of the church, this vignette caught our attention. The stone statue of Mary was ethereally lit by prayers of those who were praying for someone they love. It was, indeed, too perfect for this world.

We noticed the hanging marble plaques but did not yet know their meaning.

Rose draped doorways


A little further down the road, we discovered Sarlat-la-Caneda, one of the oldest medieval towns in Europe. One of my favorite movies, Ever After was filmed in Sarlat and her surrounding countryside. Sarlat is filled with cobblestone streets, arched tunnels and turrets. There are several restaurants with outdoor seating and always some tourist friendly activity going on. We went to an art exhibit in one of the turrets, having to climb several sets of tiny spiral staircases. Sarlat is also the foie gras capital of the world. Kurt tried it. As for me? No thank you.

Sarlat is bustling during the day then becomes golden when the sun goes down and the gaslights come on.

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